I bought the Palmer 1 x 12 cab because I wanted a Celestion Creamback-loaded 1 x 12 cab, and the Harley Benton Creamback-loaded 1 x 12 was not available for several weeks. I already own a Harley Benton Vintage 30-loaded 1 x 12, and I have to say that, whilst the Palmer is a decent enough cab, it is not quite as solidly-constructed as the Harley Benton, and also the Palmer is more expensive. Tonally, it is excellent, and (to my ears) the Creamback speaker blends well with & complements the Vintage 30. The one advantage of the Palmer over the Harley Benton is that the Palmer has 2 In/Out jacks, whereas the Harley Benton only has 1. Overall, a good guitar cab, but the Harley Benton is better value for money in my opinion.