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7. Building modules


Housings are often fully equipped with microphone preamplifiers. This is the case when using a pure line mixer, the audio interface doesn't have its own preamp, or the integrated mic preamps' audio quality or tonal flexibility isn't sufficient.

Distinctive preamps are popular, such as those in the style of the 1073 with a tube stage or Germanium transistor. Notable manufacturers in this category include AMS Neve, Heritage, and Chandler. For maximum flexibility, some cassette preamps are available, allowing the sound character to shift from clean to saturated and colored. RND and SSL are two important representatives in this category. And one must not forget the API 512c preamp, the manufacturer of which played a crucial role in the rise of the module system. The 512c remains a highly sought-after preamp.


Dynamic Processors

The selection of 500 series dynamics processors includes classic and unique devices. The 1176-style compressor, one of the most famous limiters, is available in cassette format, as is the LA-2A, reinterpreted in various ways. The 500 series version of SSL's popular bus compressor, a stereo unit that naturally takes up double the width, is also popular. A compact version of the Transient Designer is also available.

Dynamic Processors


Die dritte wichtige Gruppe unter den 500er-Modulen bilden die Equalizer. Auch hier ist API selbst zu nennen, vor allem der API 55a ist äußerst beliebt – nicht umsonst wird genau dieser auch heute noch bei den großen, teuren API-Analopgpulten eingesetzt! Ebenso beliebt sind Equalizer nach Art des Neve 1073, wie sie von AMS Neve oder Heritage angeboten werden. Der alte, charaktervolle Röhren-EQ-Klassiker von Pultec wird von einigen Herstellern interpretiert, der cleane SSL-EQ wird ebenfalls gerne genommen. Ein Dauerbrenner ist der Harrison-Equalizer, den Great River baut.

The third major group of 500 series modules comprises equalizers. In this category, API stands out, especially the API 550a, which remains highly popular and is still used in large, expensive API analog consoles today. Equally beloved are equalizers in the style of the Neve 1073, offered by manufacturers like AMS Neve or Heritage. The classic distinctive tube EQ by Pultec, is reinterpreted by some manufacturers, and the clean SSL EQ is also commonly used. The Harrison equalizer, made by Great River, is another all-time favorite.

EQs im Series-500-Modulformat
500-Series EQs

Effects and special Modules

In addition to essential functions, many other device concepts find practicality in the module system. Beyond de-essers and saturation processors (SPL, RND), you can find interfaces for guitar pedals (Radial), MS processors (Zähl), headphone amplifiers (SPL), Bluetooth receivers, and monitor controllers (both by Heritage), pitch shifters (Meris), and even reverb units (AMS Neve).

Effekte und besondere Module
Effects and special Modules

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