The company's headquarter of the company Rupert Neve Designs, LLC. is in Wimberley (USA). The official German branch office is company Mega Audio GmbH in Bingen (D).
Rupert Neve Designs products are exclusively produced in factories in United States.
At the moment we have 26 Rupert Neve Designs products in our product range - 24 of them are available in stock and 2 offers are in our current Hot Deals. Thomann has been selling Rupert Neve Designs products since 2006.
To inform our customers as best we can about Rupert Neve Designs products, you will find a total of 649 media, reviews and test reports on Rupert Neve Designs products on our website - among them the following 240 product images, 15 different 360 panoramic views, 7 sound samples, 349 costumers' product reviews and 38 test reports from magazines (in different languages).
At the moment 14 Rupert Neve Designs products are top sellers at Thomann, amongst others in the following categories 500 Series Components, Preamps, Psychoacoustic Effects, Summing Mixer, Feedback Controllers, Headphone Amps and DI Boxes.
The current top seller is the following product Rupert Neve Designs 542. An absolute hit is the following product Rupert Neve Designs RNDI - we have sold this item over 2.000 times already.
Customers who bought Rupert Neve Designs products are very satisfied with their purchases! Rupert Neve Designs has an average of 4.9 out of five stars in our customer reviews, which puts it in the top 10 percent of all brands.
Rupert Neve Designs grants its customers a 2 year(s) warranty on all products. We extend this warranty for our customers by one year and offer a 3-Year Thomann Warranty.
We also offer our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for Rupert Neve Designs products, a 3-year warranty, and many additional services such as qualified product specialists, an on-site service department and much more.
You can find more information about the manufacturer on