I am always of the opinion every upright player should try as many strings as possible before finding those that suit best for him. It is an expensive job, but somebody has to do it.
Normally I was set on Spirocores A and E for my double bass, an anonym eastern european instrument. I play jazz but also a lot with the bow, classical and other stuff.
I decided to try a new A and I chose Obligato because I was already using a D and G and I found that they worked really well with both arco and pizzicato.
On my bass this A Obligato produces a good sound but somehow less intense and focused if compared to a Spirocore Light. The pro side is that the tension is really nice, under both left AND right hand. The con is that if you have to play spiccato, let's say as in Beethoven's 5th Symphony Trio, you may or may not have some issues, depending on your bass, your bow and of course your technique.
Anyway, in the end I set on a Spirocore A string, and I kept using Obligatos for D and G.
Conclusions: Obligatos are great strings, but even the greatest and most expensive strings on the wrong bass won't deliver. Everyone should find his own balance!