As soon as I took this pedalboard out of it's case, I knew it was perfect for what I needed. I'm been building a compact board for gigs with my band and with the way the current industry is, I knew I couldn't justify an enormous board with 20 pedals travelling in a a tiny car to a small venue. So after picking out the minimum pedals I needed, I measured up all of them and noted I need some exactly 600mm across. I did look at some cheaper boards at first, with the intension of keeping costs down. But when I went to order my first choice, I saw that it was sold out. Knowing that I couldn't wait long enough to get that board with a looming gig date, I decided to spend the extra money and buy the Pedaltrain.
Once the board arrived I could feel where the extra money went. This board weighs barely anything, but feels like you could hop up and down on it no problem! The recesses underneath the board and an immensely useful feature. I was able to fit my patchbox, a 6 plug extension lead, the transformer for my multi-fx's power supply underneath no problem! The supplied velcro feels very high quality and more than sufficient. The padding of the softcase feels nice and strong. Although I will upgrade to the hardcase eventually. If you are considering this board but aren't sure about spending the extra money, I assure you. This is well worth it and allows you to take one more thing off your mind while you play.