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7. Protective Circuits

Many power amps have built-in protection against the overloads that can harm them. Some also incorporate protection for the speakers. Specifications vary between manufacturers, but the presence of protective circuits can save you a fortune if they prevent disaster. They also help to ensure that the amp performs to its optimum, delivering a steady, stable stream of signal.

Heat Protection

If your filters are clogged, the air supply is limited, or the amp overheats for any other reason, this type of circuit will shut things down before it’s too late.

Short-circuit Protection

Protects the amp and its transistors from the shock of a short circuit.

Direct Current Protective Circuit (DC)

A circuit breaker that protects each DC channel.

Low Impedance Protection

Shuts down the amp if the attached speakers are of too low an impedance value.

No-load Operation Protection

Prevents damage if the amp is turned on without speakers attached.

VHF Limiter

Avoids damage caused by frequencies outside the audible range.

Clip Limiter

Automatic regulation of the incoming signal prevents clipping.

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