the t.amp is Thomann's own brand. These products are made by well-known manufacturers who also produce equipment for many other famous brands. Since we import these products directly ex works and there are no further middlemen or distributors, we can offer the t.amp products at particularly favourable prices.
At the moment we have 30 the t.amp products in our product range - 29 of them are available in stock and 5 offers are in our current Hot Deals. Thomann has been selling the t.amp products since 1998.
the t.amp products are state of the art. Every 80th Thomann customer has ordered at least one the t.amp product from us.
At the moment you can find a total of 10939 media, tests and reviews on the t.amp products - among them the following 329 pictures, 25 different 360 panoramic views, 10575 costumers' product reviews and 10 test reports from magazines (in several languages).
At the moment you will find the t.amp top sellers in the following product categories Power Amps and Passive Speaker PA Sets.
An absolute best seller of the brand is the following product the t.amp E-800. We have sold already over 50.000 of these.
The manufacturer grants a 2 year(s) warranty on all the t.amp products. We extend this and offer a total 3-Year Warranty to our customers.
the t.amp products are at the top of our visitors popularity scale. Within the last month the the t.amp product range was hit at Thomann Online Store over 10.000 times.
We also offer our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for the t.amp products, a 3-year warranty, and many additional services such as qualified product specialists, an on-site service department and much more.