I won't repeat my long review of the EMG 85, refer to that for more details. All I'll say here is that this is an 85 with more steroids, the output level is insane, I tested it against the standard 85 with my audio interface, all good, but then I installed the 85X in the same guitar, and the 85X immediately made my interface peak so I had to set the trim the interface gain lower. So the 85x DEFINITELY has higher output than the 85 (though the latter is still a high output pickup, make no mistake, but the 85X gets into insane territory) it reminds me of the sound and feel of my DiMarzio Super Distortion. I think EMG is pretty much spot on when it refers to the 85X as 'bridging the gap between actives and passives'. I used the best passives for 30 years, so I think I know how these feels. Now I am a total EMG convert, if you record with computers you need actives.
If you play metal and you want the ultimate 'pickup on steroids', get this one. And the price is a bargain, these are top notch American made pickups, super quality.