I was interested in this bag because Line 6's own brand of bag for the Helix LT was stupidly expensive. This bag was only a fraction of the cost, and it fits my Helix LT well enough. I wish it was only slightly bigger because after using it for a few weeks, the fabric covering the padding on the inside of the bag is starting to tear. You can really only fit the Helix one way.
But I realise this bag wasn't made for that purpose, so it's no big deal.
The front pocket is more spacious than it appears, and it fits my microphone, several cables and lyric sheets.
The shoulder strap should be a lot longer, I don't really use it because it's too short to carry the bag comfortably on your shoulder, and it's kind of awkward. But I just use the handle and it's fine.
Over all, the bag is sturdy and fits pretty much everything I need in there. Highly recommended for someone who doesn't want to fork out way too much for a branded bag. I'll comfortably take this out on the road without any worries.