About 6 months ago I purchased two of this for more like practice sessions not for big stages, but after month of use we decided include them in our show and they did very well, singal was stable and good thing we could adjust level of left and right channel in the back of transmitter
And of course you can buy more receivers and synchronize them so if you want click of metronome for every bend member on transmitter and receivers will handle this
Note: for best result, use only high quality batteries in receivers and make sure the are fully charged or new, signal stability will suffer with cheap and low quality batteries inside receivers
One more thing i mentioned earlier it's the price, in the market there are lots of expensive high quality wireless in-ear monitoring systems but for the band starter pack will cost 3.000-5000$ and much more, but with this system u can learn how work with wireless in-ear monitoring systems and not sale home for buying it
In case if you aren't sure take IEM or not this system will help you working with metronome click and stay in time, it will help you learn working with playbacks and will give you opportunity experiencing real version of most big shows where IEM are included