It's almost a given that affordable amps need a better loudspeaker, so I buy them and upgrade them with either Celestion Creamback's or Jensen Ceramic's. Thus this review will be split in two: the review with the stock generic chinese speaker, and with the Jensen.
The stock tone is on YouTube and here so I'll just say all the features work well, the footswitch jack, the effects loop, the headphones jack, the aux input do their job. The digital reverb is not overly long unlike many spring reverbs, and its sound is pretty. The outside build of the amp is very good and tough. Tight fit and clean finish.
The tuner works very well, and is confirmed by several tuners of various makes and brands. It's accurate enough to set an intonation, very nice. With the stock speaker the low distortion settings make for a high quality, warm and bright sound. Same for the highest settings, nich gritty harmonics and savage rock tone.
However the in-between settings were not as pretty, they sounded a little raw and dry.
So the switch to a Jensen C12N speaker was made. Beware that such a mod voids the warranty, of course. The 12" is heavier so I added four steel nuts to the original four that I recovered before enlarging the opening.
The baffle that holds the speaker was 2mm to narrow for the frame, and 2mm too small in height, so I stapled strips of wood inside the frame to tighten the fit. Small and easy job, some cheese boxes are made of wood strips that have the required thickness.
Now the baffle was held by six pieces of MDF that were not pressed accurately on the baffle, a thin strip of folder material had to be inserted in-between for the first week before the mod. This does not imply other amps have the same fit issue, can't generalize based on one case.
But I made height holders of solid wood, held with screws instead of the MDF's staples, and the assembly is stronger without gaps.
Now back to the tone: the Jensen is a very forgiving loudspeaker, no amount of bass/treble/mid can make it sound objectionable . And the mid-level distortion is now as creamy as the extreme low and high settings.
This shows how good the Jensen is, but also how well the Orange circuit has been designed. The grille was very tough and protected very effeciently against any normal life accident, but had to be removed to enlarge the opening to 12".
The replacement is a tough and somewhat rough cotton of the same color, with hard fibers as cotton fibers go, but it's also thinner than the factory grille, and lets tone through with no alteration to speak of, unlike the overbuilt but very protective stock grille.
The logos were unglued and screwed to the amp's sides out of respect for the brand.
There, these mods are not essential to everybody but they make my amp more enjoyable for me.