The company Music Sales Limited was founded in 1925 by Robert Wise. The main office of the company is in London (GB). According to official records a total of 260 members of staff are working for company Music & Sales (status 2011).
Further brands of Music Sales Limited are Wise Publications, Bosworth, Chester, Schirmer, Novello, Omnibus Press, Wilhelm Hansen, J. Curwen, Union Musicales Ediciones, Editions Musicales Francaises as well as Lick Library.
Currently we have 23 Music and Sales products 18 of them directly available in our Treppendorf warehouse (and of course they can be tested as well in our shop) . We've had Music Sales products in our range since 1996.
From a total of 23 products 7 products are top sellers at Thomann amongst others in the following categories Classical Violin Sheet Music, Guitar Tab, Bags and Rucksacks, Classical Flute Sheet Music and Classical Saxophone Sheet Music.
The current top seller is the following product Music Sales Metallica Ride The Lightning. An absolute hit is the following product Music Sales Canvas Tote Bag Sheet Music - we have sold this item over 2.000 times already.
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