A great stick bag! I really like it. Excellent all-around stick bag. Sturdy and well made. Great zipper. Nice amount of room inside after closing it up. the pockets have enough space you can put several things in without them being super scrunched. The outer side pocket opens up enough that you can get your hand into it which is great. There was also three skinny inside pockets on the right side of the bag, I'm guessing for thin mallets, as well as another accessory pocket (but it's not as large as the outside pocket). The compartments for your sticks are fairly snug, and spaced so that you don't get a ton of sticks in each slot. I view this as a good thing because it is easy to grab the exact stick you need if you drop one or have a quick stick change (maybe from a mallet to a stick).
Plenty of extra pockets for keys, phone, pencils etc...
The bag material feels pretty strong and looks like it will take a beating. As of this writing I haven't taken it out to a gig, but it will be tested soon enough. You know how those cheap nylon bags look and feel - they'll start fraying/pulling where they're stitched and eventually come apart. This Meinl bag should hold up much better. I highly recommend this bag, it is definitely worth the price.