The build appears to be good, and it is marketed as if you can click it off and play it as an actual instrument independent of the hi hat pedal, and a few of my friends have broken them doing this, so try not to play it that way.
You simply turn it off with a push down, and it will make a click sound.
I personally think that the click sound is too loud and you can be heard changing between on and off, something I don't personally like.
It isn't a loud as some of the other hi hat jingle tools out there, but the ability to turn it on and off is the main selling point. If you want a louder sweeter sound, get the brass jingle version of this, brass jingles are slightly fuller in sound compared to nickel jingles.
It looks cool, and it doesn't add a ton of weight to your hi hat pedal.
It will record well enough, but acoustically, it lacks power.
Lastly, if you a small hi hat rod, you won't fit this on unless you have your hi hats at the lowest possible level on your hi hat stand, so make sure you have a long enough hi hat rod.