Whilst visiting friends in Germany last month I was given an old Waldzither that was going to be thrown away. It was made between 1930 to 1934 and the strings could well be the originals! Some renovation is needed on the instrument but first up was need to put on new strings.
I live in the UK and unable to find a supplier of relevant strings, so, having bought several items from Thomann over the years headed to their websit and found quickly Waldzither strings. I chose the lower priced set, but bought to sets to make the use of the single price for all items being shipped.
With trepidation I restrung the instrument - making the second loop end was an interesting task, but achieved successfully. The sound is good and what I would expect from the instrument - nice and bright but with a good mid range.
Being a complete novice with Waldzither, though an experienced guitarist, I am pleased with these strings and the overall sound. How long these strings will last, only time will tell. They seem well made, settled to staying in tune quickly - I always flex instrument strings to get quick settling - and am very pleased with these strings.