So, the strap is really well made, all materials are of top quality, it is super comfortable and looks great.
However, it is just a little bit too short, because I am like 20kg overweight and tall and stuff...
Still, I think the adjustable part of the strap should be much longer...
If you're playing your bass (or the guitar) below your waist, no matter how you're built - forget about it...
I adjusted it so the guitar would be at the lowest point possible and my neck joint (center of the guitar body) lays right in the line with my belly button, while my guitar's lowest point is barely laying on my waist line.
I am not super satisfied, but I will give it a go for the time being, maybe I get used to it.
If all else fails, I'll sell it to someone for a beer or two. :)
It was cheap enough for me not to regret the purchase.
It is super comfy and the quality is really nice, but have your desired length of the strap on mind if you're looking to buy this one.