What an ingenious idea to combine a string winder with a 10 mm socket! I had never seen this implemented anywhere else. Given that the price is rather modest, I did not expect much from this tool, but when I had it in my hands, I was very pleasantly surprised by how robust it felt and how well made it was. The handle does not wobble whatsoever, and it turns really smoothly. Likewise, the socket is unexpectedly nicely machined and firmly fixed within the ribbed handle. The whole assembly feels heavier than I had anticipated, which further reinforces the impression of quality. Last but not least, although the description said, “Various colours, unsorted delivery,” the tool I received was the same bright yellow-green color as shown here (at the time of writing the review), which is a really nice and vivid color that makes this tool easier to find for a short-sighted klutz like me.