Check out my full review and board build on YouTube: board is surprisingly light and comes with Velcro attached and ready to use. The bag is really practical for carrying it. I have seen comments saying that the bag is not well padded, but I disagree on that and I feel my pedals are well protected for urban transportation. EDIT: last week my band-mate dropped it from a table and all pedals survived intact. The additional pocket is perfect for carrying some cables and other stuff. As weird as this sounds, I also enjoyed that the product smells good (new car kind of smell) and, as unimportant as this is, it was a nice surprise at this price tag.
One could fit 5-6 boss-sized pedals in this board and even more using mini-pedals and flat patch cables. I have placed a Fulltone '69 Fuzz and OCD, HB CPT-20 tuner, MXR dyna-comp mini, Phase 95 (mini), Carbon Copy Delay and Danelectro Filthy Rich Tremolo using the Power Plant ISO-2 Pro as power supply after small mods.
Modifying the board to accommodate the Power Plant ISO-2 Pro power supply: