I required a tremolo pedal for my pedalboard. The goal of this pedalboard was to keep it small, sturdy and simple, not too much tweakable, few knobs and no whistles. After a search for a tremolo pedal I ordered the Supa Trem jr. The only test I always do with a tremolo pedal is to be able to play “Tornado” from “The Jiants”, if it can do that; it’s a keeper.
Well, I received the Supa Trem jr. and was impressed by its weight and sturdy construction, awesome, until I tried to play with it. I was very disappointed, whatever I tried, I could not get that bias-tremolo sound thus not be able to achieve that “Tornado” sound. I decided to return it the next day. I was already looking for another tremolo pedal in the “forrest of pedals” (too many, FFS).
The next day I thought; “let’s play with the internal trimpot before I send it back” and I’m so glad I did!!!
The internal trimpot was (to my taste) set way too aggressive. When I rolled it back, a great bias-tremolo appeared and I could get that “Tornado” sound. This is now my "max depth setting" (sinus wave) and it really sounds great, I can still get a choppy sound by using the triangle wave form, it’s a keeper!