I was rather disappointed with this pedal. Based of the reviews I expected at least a passable version of the mythical (and extremely pricey) Klon Centaur. When I received it, the pedal felt like a cheap construction and not very sturdy. I was not expecting much for £40, but for something that has the Electro Harmonix brand, the build quality was not there. More importantly, I thought the sound was quite thin and not particularly reminiscent of other more expensive clones I had tried in the past, so it was returned. I had resigned myself to spending some serious money to buy a more upmarket Klon clone, but more recently I got a Mosky Golden Horse for less than half the price of the Soul Food. It has a much smaller footprint so it takes up very little space on the pedalboard and overall would give the Soul Food a run for its money as it does a much better job at the low gain overdrive/boost that the original clone is supposed to excel at.