I was looking for a gain pedal, whether distortion or fuzz... I was not entirely sure. I like both for different kind of situations.
I tried out many pedals from different brands and then found this one.
The pedal has three modes, which is like three completely different pedals. This makes this pedal quite versatile. However, you cannot change modes on the fly while playing. Moreover, each mode may require different settings which is what happens to me. I cannot just flick the switch and be done... I found the sweet spot for each mode with different level/gain/tone. What I want to say with this, you need to spend some time with this pedal, it is quite particular for each mode... seriously is like 3 different pedals.
I have only three pedals in my board, the Blumes a compressor and the tuner. So having this pedal enhances a lot the flexibility of my little board.
Regarding the different knobs. The gain is quite mighty in mode 3 and the fuzz is ohhh so creamy. The level knob has DBs for days (in the 3 modes)... be careful; the tone is quite simple but does the job quite ok.
I recommend this pedal for players that don't want to have many pedals... but would wake up one day willing to just have a transparent boost and the next day a massive fuzz.... this is what you get here.
The switch to activate the pedal is silent... it does not make that classic click sound... which was weird at the beginning... but I really like it now.
I hope I can help anybody wondering around this little guy.
Last, the packaging is quite nice it comes inside a little linen baggy which makes it look kind of boutique (without the boutique price).