These were the first picks I ever bought, and I gather this was true for many of my friends too.
Middle of the road seemed right and although I now prefer thicker picks for most of what I do, I always keep a few of these around. Any time I try a new exercise, or a style of playing I am nor used to I will return to these guys.
Materialwise, the tortex is perfect. Unlike celluloid ones they never seem to break and they don't make the terrible flappy noise of nylon picks.
Economy wise the multipack is great. Who buys a single plec anyway?
Keep a few in your case, a few in your wallet and a few on your coffee table and you are good. If you drop one, the bright green makes them easy to find too!
The best thing about these though is the slow wear. Obviously they do wear, but slowly and most importantly they don't get jaggies.
If I could improve anything it would be the grippyness. As you pick them up they are great, but use them for a while they lose their grip.